Thursday May 02, 2024

Parts of vehicles that can be recycled

When the time comes to scrap a vehicle or change some of the aging parts, it is likely many vehicle parts can be recycled or reused. Some of these parts include damaged windscreens, rims, filters, bumpers and batteries. This means there are a lot of parts that need not be thrown in the landfill.

  1. Filters

Oil filters to be scrapped can be reused but the oil must be disposed of correctly to adhere to legal regulations. When you are next due for an oil change, choose a garage that recycles or find an oil filter oil recycling facility near you if you change the oil in your own car.

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  1. Glass

A large number of windows are replaced every year, and most of them end up in landfills. Although it used to be difficult to recycle these materials because of the design features of glass sandwiched between two layers of plastic, technology has improved, and a lot of windshield replacement companies are now working with recycling companies to reduce waste. Reclamation of the windshield glass can now be converted into construction materials and to make bottles. For a Scrap Yard Birmingham, visit a site like

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  1. Engines

What you think is a worn-out old engine, could indeed have some useful life left in it. There are mechanics who love to rebuild a damaged engine, giving the engine a lower carbon footprint. Improved engines can become more efficient than the original engine because of greater access to more technologically advanced materials.

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