Saturday May 04, 2024

Causes and Prevention of Falls in the Elderly

The main cause of falls in elderly people is a health condition that affects their ability to maintain balance and mobility. The aging eyesight also reduces contrast, making tripping hazards and obstacles more difficult to see. Moreover, the number of older people taking various medications increases their risk of falling. Additionally, the environment can also increase their chances of falling. Most of the older people who fall are not seriously injured. Thus, they might not want to admit that they fell and have family members think they need to go into a nursing home.

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In addition to environmental factors, age plays a role in determining the risk of falls in the elderly. Research has shown that one-third of community-dwelling elderly people and about half of nursing home residents fall each year. Some factors that increase the risk of falls in the elderly include increasing age, medication use, and sensory deficits. A careful evaluation of a fall in an elderly person requires a thorough history and physical examination, as well as specific tests to assess the underlying cause.

A fall can be prevented by improving overall health and preventing it before it happens. While falling is a serious issue, it is important to recognise its causes and prevent its complications. Fortunately, the aging population is able to fight off the risk of falls with preventative measures. There are several ways to make an elderly person feel safer in their home. The most common cause is physical decline so removing obstacles is essential. Living in a single storey home is one preventative measure to promote greater independence and lessen the risks from falling. Find out more about living in Gloucestershire Park Homes by visiting

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While many causes of falls are largely unknown, addressing these risks is an important first step. A person’s lifestyle and behaviours play a key role in the risk of falling. For example, an elderly person may have difficulty carrying heavy laundry baskets and wearing secure footwear. A senior may also have trouble navigating stairs. This may lead to the person falling, but there are some measures that can minimise the chances of it occurring again such as removing mats and rugs, installing stairlifts and grabrails, for example.

Fortunately, falls are preventable. Most falls in the elderly are caused by a physical hazard. Symptoms of fall include: a lack of balance, or other health conditions. For example, it is important to be aware of how to avoid falls in the elderly as some activities can make it easier to slip and fall.

Often, the cause of a fall is a problem with poor lighting. Poor lighting can cause a person to slip. In addition to these, there are other factors that can cause a fall. If a senior suffers from a debilitating illness, they may fall. Even if a person can walk quite independently, they might still be at risk of a fall. If they have fallen in the past, they are more likely to have another one.


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