Saturday May 04, 2024


Stress is essential for life because it is part of self-preservation because without this no would respond to the danger and we would have the ability to “compete” that is essential for survival.

Stress is also essential to encourage us to anticipate, to address the difficulties we encountered, to prepare for action. But too strong and repetitive stress dose gradually depletes the body. To cope with the stress there is no miracle cure, but it is possible to identify its causes and to consider some practical tips to learn to control and marjoram our welfare.


Stress is a psychological and physiological reaction of the organism to a new, good or bad situation, requiring adaptation.

At that time, the adrenal glands located just above the kidneys, secrete two hormones, adrenaline.

Increasing your blood rate is accompanied by an acceleration of the heart rate, increased respiratory rate and elevation of blood pressure.

When the stimulation becomes too strong, or too repetitive, the body’s ability to adapt quickly overflows.

Stress becomes harmful when the individual is no longer able to adapt to it. The negative stress disturbs entails suffering and occasionally can become pathological.


Are multiple and diverse, they originate in ourselves or in our environment:

  • The physical stress is due to noise, the pain, the cold…..
  • The social stress is related to the urban environment, with a difficult family situation.
  • Professional stress is due to unemployment, work overload, responsibilities, psychological pressures, conflicts in labor relations.
  • Stress is habits of life be a source of chronic stress.


When the stress exceeds our capabilities associated adaptation is when symptoms appear.

These symptoms can be both:

PHYSICAL: muscle spasms, digestive problems, dizziness, palpitations, headache, sore throat or stomach, eating disorders, feeling of oppression, persistent fatigue.

EMOTIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL: sleep disorders, difficulty in concentration, irritability, indecision, restlessness, anxiety, distress, negative perception of reality, nervousness, low self-esteem.

BEHAVIOR: aggression, hyperactivity or lack of organization, apathy, difficulty relating, l isolation, getaway, exes’ alcohol, snuff, sugar, chocolate, coffee….


A good way to manage stress is the spa. Spa gives effective therapy to restore calm through oil massages, hydrotherapy, mud therapy, a relaxing atmosphere in nature and balanced diet.


The skin has the same embryological origin as the brain, that is why all stimuli that do this, if done properly, benefiting not only the skin but the entire nervous system releasing endorphins and encephalin which are substances or neurotransmitters responsible for providing welfare agency. Besides the nerve fibers that conduct, the pleasure of the place of the stimulus to the brain faster than those leading the sensation of pain and discomfort. From there the importance of pleasurable as spa therapies, which help us to regain balance quickly without using drugs or decreasing the amount and time of use of these if you are being used.


  • It is essential to identify the causes so they can be corrected.
  • Use pleasant spa-therapies.
  • It is essential to acquire healthy habits.
  • Food prioritizing balanced foods rich in lithium and magnesium (cereal, eggs, chocolate, vegetables, fish, nuts) and B vitamins (cereals, legumes, bread, poultry).
  • Avoid exciting as snuff, alcohol, coffee.
  • Practice relaxing physical activities: yoga, hiking outdoors, aquatic gymnastics, cycling.
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule.
  • Relax the mind through breathing: inspiring slowly, retaining the air a few seconds and exhaling slowly.
  • Set yourself reasonable goals: do not obsess about getting impossible.
  • Maintain the balance between physically and psychologically uptime.
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