Tuesday May 07, 2024

Four Ways Linux LiveCD can be Helpful to Your Business?

Many Linux fans will tell you that businesses and professionals would benefit immensely by abandoning Windows and migrating to an open source platform. Those free alternatives are highly secure, reliable and stable. Even if you already have a stable Linux distro on your laptop, there are still a number of reasons why a copy of Linux LiveCD should be close at hand. Most Linux distros also offer Live USB drive, Live DVD and LiveCD, either freely downloadable or sold commercially. 

How LiveCD can be useful for your business?


1. Making repairs

It’s not a big secret that Windows-based PCs are especially vulnerable to malware and virus; getting rid of them is no easy feat. This is one area Linux can give a helping hand. Linux LiveCDs are commonly used to resuscitate crippled PCs without messing around with its boot records. You simply need to start the PC and make sure it boots from the CD/DVD player or USB flash drive. The computer will run the read-only OS, to prevent the infested Windows from running. The next step is to run the Linux version of dependable antivirus like ClamAV, which is available for free on the Ubuntu Software Center. With this solution, squashing nasty bugs can be both simple and effective. Once your system is cleaned completely, your Windows should run just fine.

Four Ways Linux LiveCD can be Helpful to Your Business

2. Banking purposes

Things often go so bad that experts are now discouraging users to perform online banking or doing other sensitive financial transaction over a Windows-based PC. Once again LiveCD comes to the rescue. Boot your LiveCD whenever you want to do some banking tasks, which can spare you from the onslaught of malware. Just open a browser inside the Linux environment and you can do your financial tasks effectively, relatively safe from the prying eyes. After everything is completed, you can restart the PC, safe in the knowledge that those transactions are performed safely.

3. Reviving Old Hardware

Compared to Windows and Mac OSX, Linux distros generally require far less resources, in fact extremely “lite” Linux distros can be especially useful to give slow, old PC a new lease of life. You can still use your old computer to do basic office and graphic tasks. With DSL (Damn Small Linux) and Puppy Linux, there are no reasons to throw your derelict Pentium 75 MHz machine into the recycle bin.

4. Trying and testing Linux

Unlike individuals, switching to an open source platform is a big move for any business and without some compelling reasons; they tend to stick with Windows. However, the rising hardware requirement and security issues can become too much to bear. LiveCD can run on any laptops and desktops without compromising the underlying platform. Decision makers can simply insert the CD to test Linux’s effectiveness on their business setting. If they like what they see, they may take steps to make a gradual migration process; but if not, they only need to remove the CD.

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