Friday May 03, 2024

Top 5 Tips On Using Social Networking For Business

1. Define your Goals

It is very easy to say that every company should have a presence in social media, but the effectiveness of that presence depends on a clear and concrete plan. Without a specific purpose, all you will achieve with your message is to contribute to the noise that already exists on social networks. At best, they’ll ignore, and in the worst cases, disturb my people.

So start by deciding what you want to accomplish: Improve perception of your brand or a new product? Is using these channels to interact with your customers? Attract new customers, Increase sales or generate traffic to your website? Maybe you want to do all these things, but you should define what your main goal and make it the focus of your activity on social networks.

2. Identify where you’re Audience

Once you have formulated a plan, you must decide where you are going to publish. Probably the biggest brands find their customers, or potential customers, spread across most social networks and need to coordinate a good plan to reach them. Understood Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, etc… But smaller, or fewer resources devoted to the management of social networking companies should prioritize.

3. Be Human

Social networks are for people. Think Twitter or Facebook are as full of people talking about their interest’s cafeteria. If you intend to bring your brand to this environment, then you have to use a human tone and not one that looks like a press release or campaign slogan. This does not mean that your tone should be casual; professional user of LinkedIn, for example, expects a more formal than Facebook user approach.

4. Be Transparent

If customers are upset because something went wrong, you have to deal with the problem as openly as possible. No need to disclose commercially sensitive information or expose employees to the wrath of your customers, but you should be as informative as possible. Normally, companies resort to secrecy, especially when dealing with a problem, but customers want to understand what happened and know what steps are being taken to resolve it.

5. Emphasize Your Own

The purpose of having a presence on social networks is to improve your business and reputation, but that does not mean you should limit yourself to posting promotional messages or crisis management. Messages that highlight your expertise within your industry can give boost to your brand. These strengthen your relationship with the client and also become the type of content that customers are not willing to share. It does not mean you have to reveal trade secrets. Better ask what people do not understand about your industry and explain it. It takes into account the most common questions and issues messages that answer, but not exactly copies the contents of the Most Common Questions section of your website and remember to write messages in tune with the community that you’re talking about.

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