Sunday May 05, 2024

What The Color of Your Urine Says About Your Health

Within the range of colors that are shuffled can be observed from the transparent tone, through translucent yellows and clear, to the darker tones.

The color of our urine can be most eloquent if what we are looking for is to analyze our state of health

And, in addition, we can now know according to the color of urine the state of health that we have thanks to the work carried out by a team of researchers at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio (United States)

It is an info gram that helps to clearly visualize what colors the urine can have and what each one indicates about our health.

Within the range of colors that are shuffled can be observed from the transparent tone, through translucent yellows and clear, to the darker tones.

In addition, it is also necessary to take into account that pink tones can be presented to red, orange, green, and even purple, and its meaning will change according to the tone, as we say.

Colorless or transparent urine

If you have this color of urine maybe it could be because you are drinking too much water and maybe you should control how much you drink.

Yellow urine

There are different shades that can indicate very different aspects:

Pale yellow: You mean you are normal and you are perfectly hydrated, so congratulations because it is the most advisable tone.

Dark yellow: Your body is normal but drinks more water.

Amber or honey: Your body is not getting the water it needs, so you should drink more water.

Syrup or black beer: If you have urine of this color means that you could have liver disease, or severe dehydration. Consume more water and if the color persists, visit your doctor.

Red urine

If you have eaten beets or blueberries lately, it is normal for your urine to turn reddish. If you have not eaten these foods, you have blood in your urine.

This may be nothing, or may indicate serious problems like kidney disease, tumors, infections, etc. In any case, it is advisable to visit your doctor.

Orange urine

Orange urine may be due to several causes that we must assess:

  • Not being sufficiently hydrated.
  • Symptom that you do not have adequate food.
  • Presence of some type of liver disease.

Blue or green urine

If you have urine in this color, you should visit your doctor, even if it is only as a preventive.

The green or blue color of the urine may be due to an unusual genetic condition (hypercalcemia), the intake of certain foods or the effect of certain medications.

Urine effervescent or with foam

If it is occasional, there is no problem. If it persists, it can mean too much protein in your diet, or kidney disease.

As in the previous cases, it is best to consult with the specialist.

Urine purple

Although according to specialists at the Cleveland Clinic there is no such color of urine, there are studies that claim can occur after the catheterization of patients, usually women, with kidney problems.

However, it is extremely rare for urine to turn purple.

White urine

If urine has certain whitish particles that means the presence of a bacterial infection.

Man’s urine may also have a whitish color after sex. This occurs especially in men of more advanced ages.

Cases in which the doctor should be consulted immediately

If you present, some of these cases it is best to consult your doctor as quickly as possible:

  • If you notice an abnormal color of urine without explanation and it does not disappear.
  • In case you notice that there is blood in the urine. Even if it is only one occasion, it is enough to get in touch with a specialist.
  • In cases where the urine is dark brown or pink, red or brown smoke that is not due to a food or medicine.
  • If you see that your urine also has a very thick or “bubbly” texture. This could mean a problem in the kidneys.
  • Also, if you notice very strong odors over a long period of time it is also advisable that you visit a specialist as soon as possible.
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