Saturday Apr 20, 2024

How to make money from your photographs

Photography is a great skill and an art form that many people enjoy both in a professional and an amateur capacity. As a result of some of the new digital platforms coming into focus, it is now possible for even amateur photographers to make money from their photographs. There are, of course, lots of different ways that you can do this, and it will depend very much on whether you intend on trying to make a full time living from your photographs eventually. You will also need to give yourself a good studio setup. A garage can be a great place to do this, and a Garage Doors Bristol company can help you with safe and secure access to this space.

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Stock photo sites – there are many stock photo sites, such as those owned by Adobe, as well as others that are commercially available. You can, in some cases, request to become a provider of their photos. You then receive a portion of the income either from your photos specifically or from the entire platform. It is essential to check whether the photos you upload to your chosen platforms can be uploaded elsewhere or whether you are giving them a single platform licence.

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Photo print platforms – there are new platforms that have appeared over the last year or so that allow you to sell digital prints of your photographs. When members of the public buy your print, they are given a single person licence for that print, or in some cases, they will also print these on photo paper or canvas for you. These are incredibly popular for people who want to be able to provide their photos to people who may wish to have them displayed on their walls. In most cases, these platforms will take a commission fee from the amount that your customers pay for your print.

Printed items – if you want to use your photos on other items such as notebooks, bags and clothing, you can utilise some of the sites that allow you to upload your design onto their products. Again these work on a commission basis. The commission fees can be pretty high on these sites as they take on the responsibility for printing your items and shipping them. It is a good way to see whether there is an interest in these kinds of items. You can then look at whether in the future you want to source these items directly for yourself and sell them to your customers.

All of these options allow you to test the market and see whether it is worth you looking at offering these items out independently in the future.

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