Thursday May 02, 2024

Emergency First Aid Training and why it’s important in the workplace and at home

Anyone could be involved in an Emergency First Aid situation, you never know when you might be called upon to administer Emergency First Aid to a family member, friend or complete stranger in the street! Taking part in Emergency First Aid Training Courses could be the difference between Life and Death in an accident and could see you saving someone’s life with the techniques learnt on a specialist course run by a company such as

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Any First Aid training can enhance a person’s confidence to deal with an emergency medical situation, from something as small as a cut knee to a child chocking on a sweet, onto a burn from boiling water or a cooker, then much more serious situations such as a person experiencing a heart attack or witnessing a multiple car crash with several casualties.  Having First Aid training is essential in the workplace and many professional companies send several members of their workforce on training courses just in case of an emergency at work.

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Some companies also place wall posters around their offices and shop floor to show basic emergency procedures, these are also a great idea to have on a wall at home.  Don’t hesitate to enrol on a basic First Aid training course, you never know, you may be inspired to take more in-depth training courses and even embark on a new career as a Paramedic, Nurse or Doctor.

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