Friday May 03, 2024

So you want to be a care assistant

One field of work that’s expanding dramatically in the country at the moment is that of caring.  as we become an ageing population and the move away from local authority in government care begins to end the responsibility of caring for Falls to private organisations as well as councils.  There are more people requiring care as local authority centres are closed and there is a greater focus on care being provided by the community itself.  What this essentially means is it has given the opportunity for businesses to grow out of the need for care. Evidence of this can be gained if you look at Care Jobs Gloucester with

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You might begin to feel that this isn’t an opportunity that is worth pursuing.  Perhaps you feel that care work is something that you would be very much interested in doing.  It’s not an easy position to fill and requires deeply held human skills and characteristics that will elevate you above the regular workforce.

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It’s vital that you understand the needs of the people that you’re carrying for, therefore you need to be a particularly empathetic person.  There’s a huge difference between showing empathy and sympathy.  empathy is about appreciating what the person you are caring for needs, although you cannot experience what they are experiencing.  You would also need to develop  your patience skills and your sense of humour if you are going to be a decent care assistant.

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