Sunday Apr 28, 2024

The Purpose Of Flat Rooftops For Commercial Buildings

There are many reasons that flat rooftops are great for commercial buildings. Flat rooftops offer a wide variety of benefits for commercial buildings including stronger roof support, easy accessibility, saving of space inside the building, a smaller surface area and the ability to house mechanical and electrical wiring, just to name a few. Our roofing […]

The Positive Environmental Impact Of Industrial Shredders

One of the environmental problems facing the planet is the availability of resources. Materials like metals and oil are finite. Renewable resources like wood are often harvested at such a high rate that they stop being renewable. Activities like mining and milling the materials requires energy that burns finite fossil fuels to create electricity. One […]

Problems with the throne.

“Do I have to sit in it?” asked a whinging Joffery. He had a headache again did not want to sit the Iron Throne. He also briefly considered why nobody said, “sit on” as opposed to just “sit the”. His Mother’s voice was coming in again. “Yes, you most certainly do”, said Cersei Baratheon or […]

Rock-a-bye – The Art of Sleep

A lack of sleep seems to be part of modern life. With many adults regularly not getting enough sleep. Whether the lack of sleep is due to overworking, stress or parenthood, it has the same foggy minded effects the next day. A continual lack of sleep has been linked to various medical and mental health […]

What would Mary Poppins Think?

Mary Poppins is the well-known beloved character from the Disney film of the same name. With the title character being played by Julie Andrews. It is a one of Disney’s favour films and is considered to be a classic of the film making companies long career and output. It features a novel use of a […]

Keeping The Fire Stoked

How do you stay motivated week after week to keep working towards your fitness goals? It can be very hard. The mental game is often overlooked when people talk about getting in shape, working out, or achieving the look that you want; but it is a very big part. Obviously proper nutrition and the right […]

4 Cases Where Innocent Prisoners Were Executed

In a perfect world, prisoners on death row would always be guilty of the heinous crimes that resulted in such harsh punishment. While the evidence used to convict these criminals is normally overwhelming, there have been cases in which innocent prisoners were executed. 1. Larry Griffin In June of 1980, a drive-by shooting resulted in […]

Six Tips for Renting Out Your Home

Whether you’re new to the process or a seasoned landlord, renting out your home can seem like an overwhelming and daunting experience. However, below are six tips that will help you avoid the perils of renting and assure the entire process goes as seamlessly as possible. Image Credit 1)      Research Doing your research […]

A love of Boarding Schools

Anyone who has read stories by Enid Blyton will know that she was a big fan of Boarding Schools. A number of her series were based in such schools and those that weren’t were often referenced them at some point in the story. Image Credit The Boarding schools described are very different to the Gloucester […]

What is Agile and what are the benefits?

How does a large software project get to be one year late? One day at a time! So said Fred Brooks in his book The Mythical Man-Month, writing of his experiences at IBM in 1975. He learned the hard way about communication, estimating and prototyping. Image Credit Thankfully, 40+ years later, software development teams have […]

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