Friday Apr 26, 2024

What is Postpartum Depression?

New mothers can sometimes suffer from what is known as postpartum depression. If you’re feeling anxious or depressed after giving birth, this article can help you understand the symptoms and the treatments available to help you get back on your feet. Image credit Depression after childbirth occurs when the mother experiences a sudden and dramatic […]

Causes and Prevention of Falls in the Elderly

The main cause of falls in elderly people is a health condition that affects their ability to maintain balance and mobility. The aging eyesight also reduces contrast, making tripping hazards and obstacles more difficult to see. Moreover, the number of older people taking various medications increases their risk of falling. Additionally, the environment can also […]

Why We Need To Invest More In Social Care

Recent reports by investigative journalists have shown that a huge increase in spending on social care has not been able to relieve the pressure placed upon the NHS in England. Although much of the criticism has been overstated, the reality is that the cuts put forward by the government have had a devastating effect upon […]

How Does the Immune System Work?

The immune system is made up of cells which are capable of recognizing and acting upon a variety of different viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other organisms. The cells have the ability to grow in a very healthy environment, but once they begin to grow they stop recognizing and acting upon the invaders. This is known […]

Ways to combat female hair loss

Hair loss can be caused by many factors. For women, one of the biggest contributors to hair loss is hormones. Hormones are normally the primary cause of female hair loss, although genetics can also play a role. In both men and women, the hormone responsible for female hair loss is the hormone: dihydrotestosterone (or DHT) […]

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