Thursday Apr 25, 2024

How to Remove Japanese Knotweeds From the Garden

It is difficult, if not impossible to remove Japanese Knotweed from the garden. The plant grows in close proximity to other harmful shrubs and trees, it can even invade your roofing if you do not remove it from the root system of your roof. In addition, the knotweed plant produces a toxic sap which can cause nausea, breathing difficulties and skin irritations. Although it is difficult, it is possible to get rid of the plant by following the correct steps which are outlined below. It is your responsibility to report it and to have it removed as it is an offence not to.  Therefore a professional service might be better than tackling it yourself.

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If you have some in your soil, it will be necessary to remove the knotweed using a specialist hoe. This step can be quite labour intensive, as you need to dig the trenches and then remove all of the plant. After removing all of the plant, you should then make sure that you have removed all of the soil surrounding the roots. In order to protect your garden from a re-growth of the knotweed, you should hoe the area once again, but this time you should apply a strong weed killer. You should also check drains with Drain Lining Surveys from Wilkinson Environmental to see if they are undamaged.

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The second step on how to remove Japanese knotweed from the garden is to remove any dead or dying roots. After you have removed the dead or dying roots, you should then remove the twig-like projections called rhizomes. The rhizome will contain the poison which needs to be removed carefully with a pair of scissors.

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