Wednesday May 08, 2024

Find Your Niche – App Store Optimization

You should you so keywords out looking for this value or less have to step by step in the Top 10 list to come. In plain language this means: Find your self a niche.

Is the app completely new and unpublished, fist value is 3. Once the app is published, you have more data available with which you then can start optimizing. At the beginning it can be difficult to find just individual keywords with a score of 3 or less; so check them by specific multi-word alternatives that best sity our app. Complete your to reduce the Difficulty Score it with those specific keywords, increase your chances for a better ranking for those keywords.

As a final point, welook at the traffic. Have you a choice of several keywords that are equivalent of the relevance and the Difficulty Score, select the keyword with the highest traffic. It also makes sense to test the keywords to today.

Test and Measurement

The nuts and bolts of the App Store Optimization is the ongoing test and measure keyword rankings. Remains innovative attempts new keyword ideas.

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