Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Copper boilers of the past

In the Victorian era keeping the water hot fell to the task of the Wash Copper boiler. This was an essential part of the modern household kit at the time even into the 1900’s.  Without the Wash copper you would not have had any access to hot or boiling water. Most of them were used […]

Cost-Effective Kitchen Improvements

Has your kitchen seen better days? If so, there are lots of ways that you can bring it into the 21st century without having to part with a lot of cash for a total kitchen refit. Using some imagination, there are many economic ways to improve your kitchen. These are some of the ideas: Cabinet […]

Looking out for the elderly in winter

Winter is here, and with it comes the likelihood of below zero temperatures and unpleasant conditions. However, there are easy things we can all do to be better neighbours and carers for the elderly people we care about to help keep them comfortable, secure and warm. As we age, we become more vulnerable in winter […]

The advantages of reclaiming

Have you heard about reclamation? You will be amazed at the things people throw away or become available through demolition, items that can be recovered and used again, supplying over many years of use. Saving the old becomes the ultimate in recycling and you can get hold of some wonderful things for a fraction of […]

The advantages of steel scaffolding

Whether it is a renovation, new build, extensions or just some general maintenance, you may need scaffolding to complete any of these jobs. There are different materials that scaffolding can be made of, but the most common in the UK is either steel or aluminium. Here are some of the main benefits to using steel […]

Dealing with a cockroach infestation

Have you ever looked down from your sink or desk to see a cockroach skittering across the floor? It’s enough to have you screaming and running for something to whack them with! Cockroaches are pretty much universally despised – and with good reason. Image credit Cockroaches carry diseases, emit an unpleasant odour, worsen allergies (particularly […]

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